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“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all
nations; and then shall the end come” (Matthew 24:14).
Millions of men, women, and children around the world have not yet heard the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. They face eternity without ever knowing that God sent His Son to die in their place for their sins. But in His grace and mercy, God has raised up ministries around the world that seek the lost and bring them the Good News.
One such ministry – which we cannot publicly name because of ongoing persecution, - is working diligently, preaching the gospel to the poorest of the poor among the most neglected ethnic groups who are waiting to hear God’s message of love and forgiveness.
2019 JULY

This indigenous ministry, led by Brother Michael, is making inroads among the poor in Assam, a state in northeastern India near Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar.
The photo above is an example of the widespread poverty throughout the region. It’s the house in which Brother Anthony (a ministry worker), his wife, and two children live. The ministry was started in 1995 with only five families meeting in a small hut. The fellowship tripled in size within two years, and built a larger building to accommodate them all. But they soon outgrew that building, too.
Today, hundreds of families from among the various ethnic groups in Assam have been blessed! And since so many have come to Christ because of this ministry, they began building an even bigger meeting place which they hope to complete by the end of this year.
The ministry is impacting lives every day. At one meeting, a woman – who was formerly a Hindu – gave her testimony. Her husband, a drunkard, beat her regularly. One day, she met a Christian who shared the love of Christ with her and invited this poor woman to a local church. The gospel message touched her, and she gave her heart to the Lord. Soon, she began praying and fasting for her husband and it wasn’t long before he, too, became a believer! Both husband and wife were baptized, and they are now dedicated members of a local fellowship.
And the fellowship isn’t growing only through evangelism. Just a few weeks ago, a ministry worker had a baby boy. He was immediately taken to the hospital because of jaundice, but through God’s grace and the prayers of saints, the little boy was healed and able to return home. Another great blessing was that the ministry was able to cover the hospital bill for the couple!
Brother Michael regularly teaches believers about the need to live holy lives every day. After all, God uses holy vessels to accomplish His work!
Thanks to this indigenous ministry, hundreds of families now know that Jesus died on the cross for them. They have a hope that once eluded them when they trusted in the Hindu gods.
Please pray for Brother Michael and all the ministry gospel workers, that they will be part of a great harvest of souls in Assam!
To find out more about the work being done by them, please contact us.