Other Letters
2019 October

“But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry”
(2 Timothy 4:5).
An evangelist’s responsibility is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost. This is why it’s one of the most vital positions in the church.
An evangelist training center in Sumatra is training students – and has been for more than two years – to do this important work in Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim country. And AIM International has partnered with them since the beginning.
The students get “on the job training” by heading out to villages and other islands, bringing the Good News to hundreds, including adults and children. One trip in March was to Sippan Village where the center's students taught the kids who attended how to pray, sing, and dance. A puppet show delighted the children while it presented biblical truth. A revival meeting at night saw pastors and students praying for sick and injured villagers.
A few weeks later, the team headed to another village where they made great headway sharing the gospel. Seventeen people were baptized and gave their lives to Jesus, bring the ministry’s total baptism since 2017 to 79.
At the end of August, the team planted a new church in a different village. One hundred Christians are now attending services in a rented house there. The picture above shows the ministry’s leader and some of men and women who comprise the new church.
The dedicated students and workers at this evangelist training center have a burden to see lives saved and changed, and are asking for your prayers to support them as they bring the light of Christ to hundreds of Indonesian villagers living in darkness.